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  • 01of 10

    Buying an Untrained Horse

    Teen Girl Caring for Horse in a Stable
    Cavan Images/Taxi/Getty Images
    Many experienced horsemen and women will tell you they see this too often. Because untrained horses are often cheaper, or for whatever other whim, beginner riders will choose untrained horses. Don’t buy a horse that you plan to train yourself or even send to a trainer. Training can take months. It can be dangerous if not done right. Young or inexperienced mature horses are not reliable. Beginners will be safer and happier with a horse they can enjoy the moment it gets off the trailer.
  • 02of 10

    Turning Down Older Horses

    Mature woman hugging horse.
     Older horses area great for beginner riders. Westend61/Getty Images
    An older horse, who has seen the world, makes a great beginner horse. Beginners might shy away from a horse into their late teens and twenties. However, many healthy, sound horses can be ridden well into their senior years. In fact, light daily exercise, such as a quiet hack or drive may be beneficial to both horse and rider/driver.
  • 03of 10

    Buying a Young Horse for Their Children to Grow up With

    Nursing foal.
     Nursing foal. ElaiEva/www.freeimages.com/
    This is a romantic notion, but the reality is that young horses and young beginner riders or drivers are not a safe mix. Buy your kids a mature, well-trained horse they can saddle or harness up the same day you bring it home. Buy a horse that knows how to handle itself when all the scary aspects of the world present themselves—because a young beginner won’t know how. On an older, well-trained horse or pony, kids will learn and have fun in greater safety.
  • 04of 10

    Buying at Auction

    Horse auction, Dixon, IL
    Office of Public Affairs/Flickr CC BY-ND 2.0
    It takes a keen eye to pull a good horse out of an auction. Horses can appear docile at auction because they are so confused they "freeze." Horses can be drugged to make them look calm or healthy. Things like heaves and lameness can be hidden easily with drugs.
  • 05of 10

    Impulse Buying

    USA, Utah, Salt Lake City, Man stroking horse
    Jessica Peterson/Getty Images
    Don’t buy a horse at first sight. Try the horse out, try it again, ask lots of questions. Go home and think about it for a few days. Look at other horses besides the one you’re smitten with and make comparisons. Be absolutely sure you’ve chosen the horse most suitable for you.
  • 06of 10

    Not Asking for a Trial Period

     Riding lessons are the quickest way to improve your skills. Thomas Northcut/Getty Images
    Don’t be afraid to ask the seller for a trial period. Most private owners want their horses to go to good homes, and are confident about the type of person they feel can handle the horse. Some dealers may agree on a trial period, or help you find another horse if the one you are looking at doesn’t work out. Just ask. And if you get a ‘no’ answer, ask why. There may be a valid reason.
  • 07of 10

    Buying “Too Much Horse”

    Man Jumping On Horse
    Elton De S&aacute/EyeEm/Getty Images
    You may envision yourself jumping five-foot concrete culverts in a cross country event. However, the reality is you’ve only been riding six months. The type of horse required for high-performance sports may not be the one suitable for safe learning. Buy a horse to match your skill and fitness level, not one to match a dream that may not come true for five years or even vanish.
  • 08of 10

    Buying a Horse to Breed

    Horse With Foal On Grassy Field
    Shauna Whitaker/EyeEm/Getty Images
    Do you want to buy a horse so you can breed it and have a foal? Before you do visit an auction where horses are destined for rendering or meat. Pay attention to how many look like the result of backyard breeding experiments. Consider if you can live with this outcome for a horse you have brought into this world. Horses should be bred because they have outstanding qualities to pass on. The fact that you love it or think it would have a really cute foal is not outstanding quality.
  • 09of 10

    Buying a Horse of a Particular Color

    Appaloosa horse
    Monika Clarke Photography/Getty Images
    While it is perfectly reasonable to want to own a special coat pattern horse like a Paint, palomino or Appaloosa, it isn’t wise to buy for color only. If you have a choice of several horses, and all are of the same sane mind, and good training, of course,​ buy the color you like. However, don’t base your decision on the color if the mind and training aren’t suitable. When buying a car the adage is "you don’t drive the paint." With horses, you don’t ride/drive the color.
  • 10of 10

    Not Considering the Time and Expense of Horse Care

    Man grooming horse's tail.
     Grooming is the best time to check for lice on your horse. Alan Crowhurst/Getty Images
    Horse ownership is a big responsibility. Horses don’t stop eating and drinking on the weekend when you want to go away. The expenses don’t stop because you want to spend the money elsewhere, or you’ve been unable to work. Be honest about the time and money you are able to spend on a horse. It's okay to admit you love horses, but would rather spend $30 on ​a trail ride or riding lesson occasionally and leave all the other expense and fuss to someone else.

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